Project overview


The University of Melbourne








Kane Constructions



The University of Melbourne Life Sciences Building involved the delivery of a world-class institution for the Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, and the Faculty of Science.

The project included the development of large practical laboratories for the teaching of biosciences, biomedicine, veterinary science and microbiology as well as spaces for problem-based learning, teaching in small groups, a variety of student and collaborative work areas and accommodation for 100 staff. The facility is the first STEMM 6-star Green Star building for the University of Melbourne. 

DCWC was engaged by the client to provide full Quantity Surveying and Cost Management Services for the project. Managing multiple stages of work, our team successfully delivered the world-class institution under budget.Interior- FOR WEBPhoto Credit: Adrian Vittorio E_WEBS BLDG_0225N FOR WEBExterior- FOR WEBPhoto Credit: Sarah Fisher 

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