
Loxton Research Centre

Written by DCWC Team | May 4, 2017 11:29:20 PM

August 2013 saw the signing of a historic agreement between the South Australian and Australian Governments allocating $265 million for the South Australian River Murray Sustainability Program (SARMS), with $6.5 million of these funds for the Loxton Research Centre infrastructure redevelopment and innovation project.

The South Australian Government is determined to reignite the vision of the SA Murray-Darling Basin as a premium food and wine production region. 

The Loxton Research Centre provides opportunities for strategic co-location of key industry, research, education, business and support entities with the capacity to maximise the benefits to the sector delivered by the SARMS programs.

This project involved:

  • A new state-of-the-art centre for innovation including research and conferencing;

  • Upgrade of road junctions and site access including new car parking site.

Photo credit: Denis Smith