DCWC partner with the Robert Connor Dawes Foundation

Written by DCWC Team | December 18, 2018

19 December, 2018: Donald Cant Watts Corke has recently signed a five year agreement with the Robert Connor Dawes Foundation (RCD). 

The RCD Foundation was created in June 2013 in memory of Robert ‘Connor’ Dawes who at just 18 years of age, lost his 16-month battle with brain cancer. The RCD Foundation works tirelessly to support brain matters projects in the areas of research, care and development – to fund the science to end paediatric brain cancer and support patients in the meantime.

By signing this five year agreement we are pledging to invest in the future of critical projects that are an integral part of brain cancer research and ultimately part of the cure.

We are thrilled to contribute to this valuable and worthy cause and are optimistic about the future of brain cancer research. 

Learn more about the
Robert Connor Dawes Foundation 

Find out more about our partnership at our RCD Foundation Page